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A vendre: Apple ipad3/apple iphone 4s/Nokia 808/Samsung Galaxy S3

Annonce déposée par Mavin le 08/08/12

A vendre: Apple ipad3/apple iphone 4s/Nokia 808/Samsung Galaxy S3

Détail de l'annonce

*Shipping & Handling charges included.*

*It comes with 1 Year International Warranty from the manufacture.*

*The phone will work perfectly with all GSM network operator and it's Sim

*Our minimum order is 2units and due to our on-going sales promotional
offer, You will be getting 1units as FREE GIFT.*

*The shipment is to be made through FedEx Courier and the delivery is going
to take just 36hours express delivery directly to your door step.*

*Payment is made via Western Union in accordance to our terms and policies
of operation.*

*To proceed, You will need to provide us with the below information:*

*Your Full Name ?
Your Full Address ?
Your Personal Contact Phone Number ?*

*We will need the above details so as to label and package your order ready
for shipment.*

*Await your prompt response,*
*Mavin Morris*

A vendre: Apple ipad3/apple iphone 4s/Nokia 808/Samsung Galaxy S3
A vendre: Apple ipad3/apple iphone 4s/Nokia 808/Samsung Galaxy S3
Informations générales

Icone_ent: Mavin

Prix : 250 €

Ville : 55000 mosellle

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